Sunday, September 15, 2013

Why is "Fully God and Fully Man" important?

Now, this is a question that I get for the most part, but am not sure if I am able to fully explain, but I will try.

Understanding this aspect of Christianity is crucial in understanding it all. If we just see Jesus as a nice guy that did some cool miracles, then we miss the divinity of Jesus. If we see Jesus as just God, then we miss Jesus’ ability to sympathize with our weaknesses. It can’t be one or the other; it just doesn’t work.

Jesus: the perfect example of a human, and one that we should try our best to emulate.

If Jesus were just fully God, I would have absolutely nothing in common with Him (other than being made in his image…). But this way, fully God, fully man, I am able to see a clear picture of how God has designed humanity to be, operating under the power of the Holy Spirit. This encourages me two-fold, although He is fully God He still understands my weakness through His humanity, as well it gives me hope and confidence in what God has planned for my life. I have to power in me, through the Holy Spirit to move mountains!

Just like it says in John 14:12, “whoever believes in me will also do the works that I do; and greater works than these will he do, because I am going to the Father.”

I love thinking about Jesus as a baby. The Word made flesh: lost his first tooth, went to school with his friends, and probably had the attention of all the girls in high school. It’s just so neat to think about it, and it really helps me to grasp it all. As difficult as it is reconciling fully God, fully Man, I have to trust in the Lord, that He would come to the earth to pay for my sins and that at the same time have divine rule over everything. It is really the only thing that makes sense. Jesus. 

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